Wednesday, August 11, 2010

raspberry pâte à choux and eight days

my god, it has been a busy week! but now that i finally have a day off and some time to blog, things are starting to slow down (for now) and i have a chance to breathe (whew!). so let me just update you guys on the whole work situation: my job is awesome! i've managed from just being a regular prep cook to being a pastry prep cook, and even working the pastry line! it's great and i'm definitely learning a lot nowadays. the only thing i can't say i like TOO much is the hours. let me explain: yesterday was my eighth day straight working. yep. it was actually supposed to be my day off, but i guess they just love me so much that they want me there all the time! yayy overtime!! 8/

but no joke, i really like my job. i'm happy that i got into that restaurant instead of giving up and settling for some summer retail job because (MOST of) the people there are great and i get to make some pretty delicious desserts.

anyway, onto this week's delectable confection! Pâte à choux dough used to make mini eclairs, profiteroles, and Paris-Brests all filled with a raspberry chantilly creme and fresh raspberries :p

all three of them in their golden-brown glory...

close-up of the Paris-Brest. traditionally, the doughnut shape is meant to resemble a bicycle wheel, celebrating the bicycle race from Paris to Brest and back. because if i'm gonna bike 1200 km, the first thing i'm reaching for isn't water, it's this beauty ;)

and a close-up of the mini eclair. *drool* part of me wished i dipped the top half in some chocolate glaze, but the other part of me doesn't really care at this point cuz it tasted pretty bomb anyway haha.

the chantilly creme had just the right amount of subtle sweetness, along with the fresh raspberries' sweet and sour notes, and the crunchy but eggy flavor of the choux. all i know is, there better be at least ONE left tomorrow morning for me for breakfast. otherwise, someone in this family is losing a finger.