Monday, August 4, 2008

All American Food

this week was a lot more eventful than i thought it would be. thursday the new Chick-fil-a was opening here, so of course i had to check it out. Chick-fil-a has this promotion where the first 100 customers in a new location get a year of free chicken sandwich meals. long long story short, they decided to give it to the first 120 customers instead, and guess what number i was? 124. gay gay gay.

the reason why i woke up so early. mmm.

the crazy asses who tented out all night for free sandwiches. i even saw someone unpack a whole couch. ugh.

the rest of the day was good though. i got to embarrass myself continually, got to rant with laura and reinalyn, and just chill and watch tv with them (Saved By the Bell and Yo Gabba Gabba!). i also got to see chris' house for the first time. i still can't believe he has a house cleaner. we did a lot of spontaneous stuff on a day where i just expected to get breakfast and go home. :)

later that night i left home to spend the weekend with my cousins. on friday stacey and i baked an apple pie. god pies are tedious. but i had fun making it, and at least this time around i had some company for help.

there it is, in all it's gloriousness. i'd say it's pretty good for the first time that either of us has made a pie.

later we ate lunch at (where else?) Chick-fil-a and then stacey took me to Trader Joe's for the first time. so many choices! i ended up buying dried hibiscus flowers, mainly because i was just curious. i mean, it's supposed to be like dried fruit but it really looked like a bag of dried sea creatures. who could resist? anyway, it ended up just tasting like a really big dried cranberry, something i think should be eaten in small proportions. let's just say i only ate one of them.

after one of her friends showed up we started making cranberry oatmeal cookies, but alas, they turned out really weird (hence, no pictures). there wasn't as many cookies as promised in the recipe and they ended up tasting like dried cake and just looking like mounds of stuff. several hours after, i realized that we forgot to add the brown sugar. i was so disappointed in myself!!! augh!

saturday was fun as well. after dropping by my cousin's aunt's birthday party, kelley, aimee, and i ventured to the OC Fair, which was riddled with traffic and bad drivers. when we actually got to the fair we wandered around trying to find some good fair food and this is what we came up with:

sigh. frog legs. what a disappointment. for $13 all we got was 2 sets of frog legs on top of fries and a soda. lame. they don't taste that bad; it tasted like a combination between fish and chicken meat, but i don't think it's worth trying again. blech.

classic kielbasa and sauerkraut. the kraut definitely tasted different from what i've tried before. i just want to know, is it supposed to be soft or crunchy?

the ferris wheel! too bad we didn't ride it this time, but i thought it would be nice just to add a pic of it. haha. isn't it pretty?

the very last ride we rode, Dizzy Dragon. it made my arms and my stomach hurt.

i've decided i probably need to stay in a little more this week, as my sunburn from last week finally started peeling. also, i need to put my internal clock back in place. everything always seems a day off for some reason. :P

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