Thursday, June 25, 2009

challenge post #1

but before i get to that, what is UP with all the celebrities dying?!! sorry. i'm watching the news right now and they said michael jackson died today. but not too long before that, farrah fawcett died. and not too long before THAT, ed mcmahon died. hopefully this won't be a continuing trend...

ANYWAY, back to the challenge. yay for keeping up! yesterday i made a hot pink tank top with knit details. enjoy!
excuse the obvious bra straps. i was too lazy to change to a strapless. also, excuse the unflattering pictures... bad lighting+sis taking pics= awkward looking pics
backsies! you can't really tell, but there's supposed to be a braid at the top of the straps and the bottom part is just supposed to be kinda dangling there...

on the bed. the straps look like a hot mess...

knit detail at middle of tank. i cut up strips of the cloth and knit them together. i needed really thick knitting needles to knit it, so i used two of those thick highlighter markers as needles. yay for improvising!
this is the dress that i mentioned two posts ago that was meant for clubbing... i promise it looks better in person!!!
another angle
pleating detail :)
on the bed again.

two posts ago i also mentioned a painting, but all of that is being put on hiatus right now because my sister still has to find her paints... right now all she can find is white, which doesn't help too much all on its own.

anywho, more to come soon!! two days ago i went to fashion district with the sis and the cousin and i didn't get too much fabric, but i did get some... hopefully i'll get some use out of them :]

ALSO, another random blurb. i HATE registering for classes! today i registered for classes online, and the ONE class that i really wanted to get into i couldn't!! again!!! i registered for 5 classes so far, and it's STILL only 12 units!!!! why are they so stingy with the units?!!? i'm still gonna try and waitlist for that class that i didn't get into, that way it fills up most of my week. hopefully it'll all work out :/

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

official grades

for spring semester:

Culinary Principles 2: A
Principles of Baking 1: A
Ornamental Horticulture: B
Freshman Composition: B
Contemporary Ethnic America: A

3.6 GPA for spring! yay :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

summer challenge!!!

seeing as how i'm only a couple weeks into summer vacation and i'm ALREADY bored, i've come up with a little "summer challenge" for myself that i will try to keep you guys posted on in this blogger. so here goes...

the challenge is to make as many things as possible, but complete at least ONE thing every week. by "make," i mean sewing clothing, making accessories, painting a picture, baking something, etc. you get the idea.

  1. finish at least 1 thing every week
  2. a "finished" item needs to be something i'm satisfied with, i.e. it can't be some useless piece of shit that i whip up in an hour and pass off as something i "like"
  3. each item requires at least 1/2 hour of planning (which won't be too difficult because i usually take a long time just thinking about what to make...)
  4. each item has to LOOK like i tried. people need to be able to tell that i put some kind of effort into it (depth of thought would be nice!)
  5. each item must display SOME kind of originality (for example, if i sew a dress, i shouldn't be able to find an exact copy of it in some store or online or something...)
  6. post each completed item on blogger!!!
goal: other than to just keep me busy, the goal of this challenge is to expand my creative abilities and to use up whatever materials i have, in a "creative" way. i want to show some kind of productivity for this summer instead of just staying at home being a lazy couch potato. by doing this, maybe i'll even come up with a tattoo design i like cuz at the moment i keep changing my mind...

anyWHAYYYS as i'm typing this i'm kinda working on a piece that i started an hour or so ago, so hopefully i'll have that finished and posted soon (yay for painting!!!). also, some time next week i'm heading off to fashion district, so hopefully i'll get some good cloth there and whip up some clothing and whatnot cuz my stash right now is looking pretty lame. :p

also, just to keep you guys posted, so far this summer i've made 1 top (that i'm kinda not so satisfied with) and 1 dress that i'd say looks pretty cool, although i have yet to wear it out in public (as it was intended for clubbing, but i have yet to do that as well haha). someday i'll find a semi-formal event to wear it to, then BAAM. i'll wear it. hahahaha :)

ps, another semi-challenge that i'm working on is to just not re-gain any the weight that i lost during the school year, cuz that would just suck. suck many tiny monkey balls. pshh. those monkeys would LOVE that. gross.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


i was planning on writing an entry about how things were changing since i have already completed my first year of college. obviously it has been a couple days since my last class, and over these past couple of days i have been trying to think of something at least somewhat intelligent to write about all this, but nothing really comes to mind. now i find that it would just be ridiculous to think of this as some sort of milestone because here's the thing: it's just the beginning. i have a long, LONG way to go, and time is going by way too fast.

ps. i'll be trying to be really productive on the sewing machine this summer. so far: 1 item of clothing completed (minidress/tunic), 1 item planned/in the works (cardigan).