Friday, June 19, 2009

summer challenge!!!

seeing as how i'm only a couple weeks into summer vacation and i'm ALREADY bored, i've come up with a little "summer challenge" for myself that i will try to keep you guys posted on in this blogger. so here goes...

the challenge is to make as many things as possible, but complete at least ONE thing every week. by "make," i mean sewing clothing, making accessories, painting a picture, baking something, etc. you get the idea.

  1. finish at least 1 thing every week
  2. a "finished" item needs to be something i'm satisfied with, i.e. it can't be some useless piece of shit that i whip up in an hour and pass off as something i "like"
  3. each item requires at least 1/2 hour of planning (which won't be too difficult because i usually take a long time just thinking about what to make...)
  4. each item has to LOOK like i tried. people need to be able to tell that i put some kind of effort into it (depth of thought would be nice!)
  5. each item must display SOME kind of originality (for example, if i sew a dress, i shouldn't be able to find an exact copy of it in some store or online or something...)
  6. post each completed item on blogger!!!
goal: other than to just keep me busy, the goal of this challenge is to expand my creative abilities and to use up whatever materials i have, in a "creative" way. i want to show some kind of productivity for this summer instead of just staying at home being a lazy couch potato. by doing this, maybe i'll even come up with a tattoo design i like cuz at the moment i keep changing my mind...

anyWHAYYYS as i'm typing this i'm kinda working on a piece that i started an hour or so ago, so hopefully i'll have that finished and posted soon (yay for painting!!!). also, some time next week i'm heading off to fashion district, so hopefully i'll get some good cloth there and whip up some clothing and whatnot cuz my stash right now is looking pretty lame. :p

also, just to keep you guys posted, so far this summer i've made 1 top (that i'm kinda not so satisfied with) and 1 dress that i'd say looks pretty cool, although i have yet to wear it out in public (as it was intended for clubbing, but i have yet to do that as well haha). someday i'll find a semi-formal event to wear it to, then BAAM. i'll wear it. hahahaha :)

ps, another semi-challenge that i'm working on is to just not re-gain any the weight that i lost during the school year, cuz that would just suck. suck many tiny monkey balls. pshh. those monkeys would LOVE that. gross.


  1. yes, that would suck many tiny reindeer balls as well.

    my sweater!!! lol

  2. hahha how did i know you would mention that? ^.^
