Monday, September 28, 2009

just a note:

so my new boss is a man with a really long ponytail. i'm assuming this is God's way of testing me!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


i feel like i should be blogging about what happened today, but to be honest i'm not even sure i want to think about the whole scenario anymore, because at this point it just makes me tired and angry. so let me just say, that there is no pleasant side to something as unpleasant as a car accident.

txt me later <3

Friday, September 18, 2009

whore d'oeuvres

during my lunch break today i decided to browse around the cookbook section of my schools library, which was incredibly vaast (jk, it was only 2 shelves, but that's still wayy more than the rowland heights library!). i picked out two books and finally checked something out of that library, something i have been hesitant to do in the past, mainly because there are so many front desks and i'm never sure which one i have to check out to! anywayyy, putting aside my slight embarrassment, one of the cookbooks had this awesome recipe that i knew i HAD to make once i got home, and it was a recipe for Gougéres.

Gougéres are meant to be a kind of hors d'oeuvres. it's a little savoury snack that is both crispy on the outside and soft and eggy on the inside. the dough is similar to pate a choux dough, which is used for eclairs and cream puffs :p

in the oven. grow for me, my pretties!!! TEEHHEEEHEE!!!! the recipe called for gruyere cheese and thyme, but i replaced that with mild cheddar cheese and basil, because Stater Bros. doesn't carry gruyere and swiss is wayyy to expensivo.
a couple close-ups of one. the recipe suggested to serve them with caramelized onions, and MY GOD it was delicious. it was like fireworks exploding in my mouth, tickling every one of my tastebuds. *drool* this one i stuffed with some caramelized onions and a couple mini basil leaves.

since my first try with a recipe from this book was so successful, expect to see more of these little bites to come :p

*also, to those of you who don't like onions, lemme just say I DON'T CARE. and as a future chef, i think that is my job. caramelized onions are THE BOMB.

in other news, my schedule for this semester is still not finalized! i'm waiting on a call from the OC Rescue Mission so i know what my hours are going to be, and once this week is over i'll finally know the dealio with my schedule. orientation for the place was last night, and lemme tell ya, that place was SNAZZY. they even had a giant chessboard for the kids to play with (cayyutttee!!!). they also have a set of giant gates in the front, and it kinda reminds me of the 1971 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. i'm really looking forward to working there, as this will be my first experience working in a commercial kitchen other than the one at school. even if it's unpaid, i get to help people out, which is always a plus. here's hoping it's gonna be awesome :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


school has been kinda trudging along. not even two whole weeks and i'm already tired as hell, but i just wanted to give you guys a little update on what's goin on with me. so far, here are my classes for this semester:
  1. Food Production Management: cooking food in large quantities and learning how to order ingredients, manage employees, etc.
  2. Pantry: learning cooking methods for things like dressings, eggs & breakfast foods, etc. (yesterday we made mayonnaise!)
  3. Directed Practice in Food Service Management: INTERNSHIP! (i'll talk about this later in the post).
  4. First Aid & CPR
  5. Nutrition
  6. Beginning Drawing
so yeah, Directed Practice is supposed to be the internship class in the culinary program, but what i didn't know is that you have to find your own place to intern at! so since i don't have a job yet, i'm looking into volunteering at this rescue mission/soup kitchen place but i have yet to settle all of that. we have to work either 8hrs/week unpaid or 10hrs/week paid, so i really need to get in contact with them soon about that. as for my actual schedule, i won't get it officially settled until i complete all the crap with this class, so that'll be like, in 2 weeks hahaa. once that is done i'll post my actual school schedule up here :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


2nd day of class was SO SO SOOOO much better!!!

yayyy elaine! :D