Wednesday, September 9, 2009


school has been kinda trudging along. not even two whole weeks and i'm already tired as hell, but i just wanted to give you guys a little update on what's goin on with me. so far, here are my classes for this semester:
  1. Food Production Management: cooking food in large quantities and learning how to order ingredients, manage employees, etc.
  2. Pantry: learning cooking methods for things like dressings, eggs & breakfast foods, etc. (yesterday we made mayonnaise!)
  3. Directed Practice in Food Service Management: INTERNSHIP! (i'll talk about this later in the post).
  4. First Aid & CPR
  5. Nutrition
  6. Beginning Drawing
so yeah, Directed Practice is supposed to be the internship class in the culinary program, but what i didn't know is that you have to find your own place to intern at! so since i don't have a job yet, i'm looking into volunteering at this rescue mission/soup kitchen place but i have yet to settle all of that. we have to work either 8hrs/week unpaid or 10hrs/week paid, so i really need to get in contact with them soon about that. as for my actual schedule, i won't get it officially settled until i complete all the crap with this class, so that'll be like, in 2 weeks hahaa. once that is done i'll post my actual school schedule up here :)

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