Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Easy Like Sunday Morning...

another lazy weekend gone, another lazy week ahead of me. saturday was filled with doctor's appointments, injections, blood tests, and eventually watching Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D, which i really do not recommend. now, i know i haven't seen any of the previous Journey movies, or have even read the book, but geez. not good at all. also, 3D things tend to give me headaches.

yesterday i went out with laura and reinalyn to eat lunch at Chipotle, and then later wandered around Kohl's, played dress up, and took pictures of it, just like the good 'ol times when we would have minimum days at school and just take the 30 minute walk over there (this was before any of us had cars). we also wandered around Pier 1 Imports for a change, sniffing candles and incense, relaxing in the couches before anyone kicked us off, and wondering what parrot soap is made of. all in all, a good day; i finally got out of the house on my own for something besides grocery shopping.

i also got around to making a shepherd's pie for dinner. i don't know what's up with this picture... looks kinda yellowish. anyway, it was nice to finally make one of these on my own instead of just buying the pre-made frozen ones. also, it tasted really good.

i don't really remember which website the recipe was from, but most of the recipes for shepherd's pie are basically the same; ground meat, cooked on the stove with carrots, peas, onions, garlic, corn, and whatever else vegetable you want, then put in a casserole dish with mashed potatoes on top, then baked in the oven to make the top crispy. gotta love the home cooking. :)

sorry, no dessert today. today i woke up unusually late for some reason, and just decided it would be another day watching tv, using the treadmill, watching more tv, and maybe reading a magazine. hopefully tomorrow i can come up with something to make, which might be a little hard since we don't have milk. also, i'm finding it a little more difficult to just make desserts whenever just because i'm bored, and my sister is complaining of me making the family a little hefty...

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