Friday, July 11, 2008

"Rustic" Nectarine Galette

another day stuck at home, another dessert. what? i have to do something to occupy my time, dammit! it wasn't just me at home today, it was my sister and my dad too, so i didn't have a chance to make a huge mess and just clean it up before everyone got home like i usually do. anyway, here it is; a "rustic nectarine galette." i got the recipe from a book i bought a long time ago on sale for $2. pretty good, right? i wasn't quite sure what a galette was before i made this, but if i had to guess, i'd just say it was basically a pie without the pie tin.

hot damn. this thing was delicious. i've never made a pie or galette before, so i'd say this was a success. the crust was nice and flaky, and, even though i usually don't eat nectarines, i definitely would buy another batch of them to make another one of these. you probably can't tell from the pictures, but underneath the layer of nectarines there is a layer of almonds, which added a nice crunch. i also over-estimated the number of nectarines i needed for this, so i decided to turn the leftover nectarines into a marmalade.

it turned into a nice rosy-pink color after i put it on the stove for a few minutes, most-likely because it had a few pieces of the nectarine skin in there-- you can't even really see them now. i was planning on putting it in a nice glass jar, just so it would look a little more presentable, but apparently we don't have any containers in this house that aren't plastic... sigh. at least it tasted good, right?

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