Saturday, July 4, 2009

challenge post #2

i'm finally getting around to posting my entry for this week, one hour before the week is over! whew!

this week i did a painting, as i finally got some paints to work with! yay!! pretty much all i got was primary colors, so i guess from now on i'll be mixing/blending all my colors myself... anywhoo! on to the painting!!

this one is entitled "Lost." if you look at the following pictures, i think it's pretty obvious why. it's a pretty small painting in person, as i'm probably not skilled enough to do something on a large scale...

view of the entire painting...

close-up of the little star. look at his expression.

i used acrylic on cardboard, cuz canvas is so overrated :) i wanted to do something a little cutesy, but with a little meaning to it. sometimes i think we all feel like that little star...

anyway, this week has been pretty eventful, at least in comparison to some of my more lazier summer days. thursday i went with elaine, jackie, and sarah to disneyland, cuz apparently jackie works there now!!! it was fun, and we ended up spending the entire day there, until midnight. friday i went with a couple cousins to the beach, which was WAY too packed, i'm guessing cuz it's 4th of july weekend. soo packed in fact, that people around us were actually arguing over their claim on the bonfire pits... today is the 4th of july, so the fam bam and i trekked over to suzanne park to watch the fireworks show, which was kinda nice. i wish the fireworks were a little closer though... ohh well. yesterday morning i sent in my application to sally beauty supply, the location near the michaels on colima. here's hoping i get the job! getting rejected from 7 different places would be kind of a downer. other than that, there's not much going on in my life...

happy 4th of july you guys! have a good one :D


  1. i really like the painting. good work!

    hahah. mixing all the colors yourself reminds me of art with maynard...

    btw, where were the fireworks coming from?

  2. thank youuu!! and i think the fireworks were coming from the whs field? every year they have a fireworks show from there, but this year they were doing construction on the track so the main attraction thing was at suzanne park but they still fired the fireworks from whs... doesn't exactly make sense but whatever haha
