Tuesday, July 14, 2009


i realize that i missed last week's entry... but i promise i did have something to post!!! i made a dress, but i never got around to taking pics of it, and since i have a INTENSE sunburn right now, i don't think it would be a good idea to take pics of my red and burn-y skin... just so you know how painful it is, it hurts just putting on a shirt (i got burnt on my back, chest, and upper legs).

i'm gonna put a hold on posting up pics of the clothes i make for a week or so, just until the flaming red reduces into a crispy brown... i'll still be making clothes because i know for sure i won't be leaving the house too much while i'm like this, but i'll probably just gather them all into one post later on.

on a lighter note, i actually didn't burn my arms this time!! i have to say yay, because every time i've had sunburn before, the only part i ever really burnt was my arms and shoulders, which always led to a horrific farmer's tan. also, i'm gonna look on the brighter side and just tell myself that burnt legs = tan legs later on. yayyy :)

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