Saturday, December 5, 2009

it's going to be a long week :l

last thursday when i came home from work i found out my uncle died in the Philippines. he was my dad's big brother, and my cousins' dad.

i think i'm all cried out on this one... at least until the funeral. yesterday morning i was crying so hard on my way to school that eventually i just turned around and came back home. i told my sister class had been canceled.

it definitely hurts. i grew up with my cousins; they're like brothers and sisters to me (lord knows i talk to them a hell of a lot more than i do my actual brother). i visited them today before they headed off to PI. we talked about the last time we saw him, all our funny memories with him, and what we're going to do for his birthday this year since it's in 2 weeks. it was good to know we could all laugh about things like his horrible sense of fashion (last time i saw him he was wearing a twilight shirt that he bought for $2 from hot topic). my dad and one of my aunts is with him in PI now.

i wasn't sure if i wanted to make a post about this but it's definitely one of the biggest things affecting my life right now. yesterday i didn't even want to go on facebook because most of my news feed was people giving their condolences to my cousins. tonight i was forced to go on FB because my dad wanted me to find pictures of my uncle that we could put in a slideshow for his viewing. i'm not even sure if i can go to school or work next thursday or friday because i'm supposed to help my grandma make food for the viewing after they bring the body back to the states. i'm worried about my grandma and how she's taking this all.

yes, he's in a better place now. by next week he'll be back home and with his family, where he belongs. he was a really good father, brother, and uncle, and a good man all over. i'm really going to miss him.

to grace: i know you're coming back soon, and my intention was to get our tattoos done this saturday, but that might not happen for obvious reasons. hopefully we can arrange something sometime soon.

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