Thursday, June 17, 2010

caprese salad canapes from ze garden :)

one problem that i seem to have with my tomato plants is that for some reason they only grow ripe tomatoes two at a time. not even enough to make a proper salsa, i say! soo, what to do with so few tomatoes? make the perfect mid morning snack, of course!

i put it in the oven for a couple of minutes just to melt the cheese. mmmmm... melty cheese :p

i didn't bake this one, but i wanted to put in the pic just because you can see the inside of the baby tomato better:) drizzled with a little balsamic vinegar after i decided it looked a little naked...

as for my life, not mucho to update on! i'm waiting on a callback after the interview today, and tomorrow is Jaegerhaus day! which is great cuz i'm totally up for some overpriced german food and a little get-together :D

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