Sunday, June 20, 2010

mint ice cream bombe with almond praline and a gluttonous (but good) father's day

today was father's day, and my sister and i had to wake up early (and by early i mean 7:30 hahaha) and help my dad start building the storage shed in the backyard. when it got too hot to continue, we all went out to Grand Buffet for a late lunch and endless amounts of crab legs and sushi :p

after a GLORIOUS food coma and then after church, we decided that we were all still too full to eat dinner after that buffet, but we still wanted to eat the dessert i prepared last night:

mint ice cream bombe with almond praline and a chocolate cake base :)

just making the ice cream was almost a full-day procedure on it's own, because for SOME reason, every time i want to make ice cream the freezer seems to poop out :( BUT once all that nonsense was over with, it wasn't too bad. i used up a lot of the mint leaves growing in ze garden because that's the only herb i have there that seems to be growing out of control...

a cross section so you can see the chocolate cake base. i guess the ice cream was a little too runny when i put in the cake in so it kind of soaked in, but it didn't have an effect on the taste so at this point i don't mind it hahaha.

i like the fact that it didn't turn into a freakishly green color, but instead had a creamy yellow-green hue (even though in these pics it kinda looks like a block of butter but ANYWAYS) i think it looks slightly more elegant this way :)

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