Monday, August 31, 2009

realitycheck scratch that

why is it that fall semester always seems crappier than spring (for me at least)? i mean, it's not like i'm starting something entirely new. it's the same classrooms, the same teachers, the same 28 mile trek down to costa mesa, and mostly the same people. nothing much has changed, and yet a lot of things feel entirely different, and not in a good way.

i'm fairly certain it's not just the weather.

  1. MAKE FRIENDS. because i can't stand being a wallflower anymore.
  2. GET A FUCKING JOB. because that tat ain't gonna pay for itself!!
  3. ORGANIZE ALL YOUR SHIT. just because my sister's half of the room is messy doesn't give me an excuse to be messy too.
  4. LOSE WEIGHT/tone up! in a healthy way, of course (unlike last semester...).
  5. make going to a school 28 miles away from home WORTH THE TRIP.


  1. yay for goals!!! i still haven't really made much progress on mine though...

  2. dude, even though i have a job, i can't even seem to save enough money. so now im just relying on my credit card to pay for it. oh man. im pathetic
