Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WTF fish (aka, a day in the life of elaine)

for lunch today, my mom cooked fish soup, and half-way through eating i at a fish bone. this is where my day starts to go downhill... the majority of the day i actually spent trying to remove the bone that was lodged in my throat. after about an hour or so of struggling to do this (apparently i have a really STRONG gag reflex) i eventually gave up because i had to go out and run some errands (damn groceries!).

when i got back home i decided that i should give it a go one more time, mostly because it was starting to hurt A LOT and it was really really stuck in there. after spending the LONGEST time in the restroom just looking down my throat in the mirror and trying to reach it, i finally get to it with a pair of tweezers, with which i had to actually YANK the bone out.

once i was done with that, i was able to continue my day with just a slight sore throat, but i had to suck it up anyway cuz i had to cook dinner. today wasn't a total loss though; i did get to buy a nice pair of jean shorts while i was out :)

the moral of the story: i have to watch out with whatever i eat, because this is the SECOND time this has happened with fish (hence the title of this entry).


  1. i've grown very wary of non-boneless fish. although i did get a bone stuck in my throat from a "boneless" fish...

    can't believe you still managed to do errands though.

  2. yes it was quite painful but i thought it would help me take my mind off it... didn't really work haha. but at least now it's gone!! :D
