Tuesday, August 11, 2009

summer breeze, makes me feel fine...

the past few weeks have been kind of slow, but it seems so fast when i realize that school starts in a couple of weeks :l also, my birthday is this weekend! 19! woot...? i've decided that i'm not gonna have a party/get-together thing this time around; the little fambam and i are just gonna eat lunch somewhere and i guess i'll bake something haha :)

as for me making stuff, recently i've been going to a lot of thrift stores around the area and found some pretty neato things like bags, tops, and shoes (mmmm...), but so far i've only made 1 thing out of that stuff. a few days ago i made an awesome cropped navy vest out of a dress i bought at a thrift store in La Mirada, but sorry, no actual pics this time :/ for a visual though (and to make the blog look more interesting), i'll give you somewhat of a mental picture of what it looks like:

it looks like kind of a cross between these 2 vests

so if you could just use a little imagination, you can probably picture what it looks like :D

also, i've been trying to find some nice (and cheap) shoes on ebay, so hopefully my sister will win those bids for meee... a couple weeks ago i got a pair of vintage Doc Martens which i have been drooling over for a while now, especially since it wasn't $180! woot! can't wait for fall to come just so i have a reason to wear them (boots just seem to be a no-no in this hot weather).

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