Sunday, March 14, 2010

some big news + actual pictures of food :)

so here goes: my family and i are moving! yay? eh. i don't really have too much of a problem with moving right now as much as i did when my family proposed moving back when i was in high school. mainly because we're not really planning on moving far (my parents were looking at brea and pomona and buena park) and i can actually drive now, so coming back to walnut wouldn't be that hard. mostly all this stuff is just a hassle with all the realtors and prospective buyers coming by to see the house.

so far we've moved a bunch of our stuff into storage and cleaned up the entire house, which kinda sucks because now i don't really know where anything is anymore... over the next couple of months, we're going to have people just coming in to look at the house on random days. that means during the time that someone could come, i can't cook, i can't nap, i can't work out or shower, basically i can't do anything that will let me relax. these times were all designated during my prime relaxation time! (8-3 during weekdays?! wtf?!) sighh. while people were coming in today, though, i was able to make a little something with all the fruits we bought at Costco yesterday ($5 for 12oz of raspberries? BOMBTASTIC).

"healthy" mini fruit tartlets. i've determined that they're healthy because not only are they covered in fruit, but instead of going all out and making a pastry cream filling from eggs and cream, i just used some vanilla yogurt as filling (fine... you caught me. i was really just too lazy to make the pastry cream. but i have my reasons!).

things i need to work on: presentation. i need to figure out how to arrange these fruits a little nicer because i didn't realize how small the actual tart was (it was actually so small that i couldn't fit a single, regular-sized strawberry on it). also, i think technically the actual filling isn't supposed to show.

and the tart dough. pfft. i need to stop following food blogs just because they look pretty. i got the recipe for the tart dough i used here from another blog, and the taste was just really disappointing (to me, at least. my family kinda just scarfed it down, so i guess they don't really care). the dough was too gummy to work with properly, and also, it actually rose in the oven! tart dough shouldn't do that!

all in all, they tasted okay. this whole thing was mostly just to practice my fruit arrangements and because i was bored. i wish i would have had some glaze or powdered sugar to put on top. i guess the health/convenience factor with the yogurt was good too, and it was nice just to have a mini dessert bite instead of a huge slice of cake. hopefully there will be more food pictures to come in the future! happy pi day :D


  1. okay so apparently, i didn't click "post comment" yesterday...

    you're moving?!?

  2. remember last time i was at your house and i said i had to leave early to help move stuff around the house? yeah...

    haha it's really not that big of a deal to me though because i'm not really moving very far, and it's not like i can't just drive back to walnut anyway. just the hassle of moving everything around and not being able to do whatever i want around the house is pretty annoying :/
