Sunday, May 30, 2010

chocolate chunk blackberry sour cream ice cream: flop of the week

it seemed like a good idea when i saw it! i saw a recipe for blackberry sour cream ice cream, and seeing as how i had blackberries AND sour cream i thought "what the hell, why not." probably bad judgment on my part because

a. blackberries are sour
b. sour cream is SOUR

PROBABLY should have opted for the custard with eggs in the recipe, but at the moment we didn't have any eggs in the fridge (but just as fate would have it, yesterday my mom bought 5 DOZEN eggs, LORD KNOWS WHY, and now i have no idea what to do with them -___-)

at least it looks good right? the color looks really good too. i garnished it with some fresh blackberries and mint leaves, and also one of the tuile cookies we made in class on ice cream day. it tastes like a waffle cone! :D

blackberries simmering away... one thing i should have done after blending all this stuff is strain it, but alas, our fine mesh strainer is about the size of my fist (probably meant for tea leaves) and also i was feeling lazy that night.

the mixture before i put it in the freezer...

a close-up of it all. since it was so sour, i served it after the BBQ today and pitched it as "blackberry frozen yogurt" since it tasted more like yogurt than ice cream :/ one thing i DID like was deciding to put chocolate chunks in it, even though some of the chunks were honkin' HUGE and some were really small. but still good! chocolate never seems to fail me :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

raspberry and almond clafoutis and memorial day weekend

3 day weekend! not that it really matters to me at this point because spring semester is finally over! weee! i'm finally getting around to using all those berries in my fridge, so expect more posts to come soon :)

this morning i made a raspberry and almond clafoutis, which was awesomely eggy and custard-like. i know typically clafoutis uses cherries, but seeing as how i had a ton of raspberries lying around and i'm MUCH too lazy to go out and buy a bunch of fresh cherries and pit them MYSELF, well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! plus, raspberries and almonds are a classic flavor combination, and i just happened to have the right amount of almond flour left over.

i tried sifting a little powdered sugar over the top but it kinda just melted into the custard center. also, i took the finished pictures after they cooled down and the middle sunk a little. still good, though! :D

right after i put them in the oven

nice and bubbly right after i took them out of the oven :p

the one thing i regret is waiting for them to cool down... they probably would have tasted bomb right out of the oven, but i had things to attend to today, and places to go!

today my cousin, my sister, and i all went to the Shoppes at Chino Hills, which is a pretty cool outdoor mall-- it has a bunch of stores from an organic produce store (with a bunch of free samples!) to an H&M. also, New York & Company was having a sale and i bought my first dress of the summer! yayy :D

as for the rest of this Memorial Day weekend, tomorrow the family is going to have a little bbq, and monday i'm planning on going hiking with my cousin. also, since this weekend is supposed to be super hott, my goal this weekend (and the rest of the summer) is to try and tan my pasty white legs -___- i already started today by wearing a skirt while shopping outdoors, and mostly they just turned red but it's getting there! hopefully by the end of this summer they'll be nice and golden brown :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

blackberry ganache tartlets, almond biscotti, and reasons i don't study for finals

last week was elaine's birthday, and as part of her gift i wanted to bake her something, as per tradition. last year it was a strawberry tartlet, and this year it's chocolate galore! eee! the other part of her gift was a very embarrassing picture of us at prom that i had blown up and printed to almost poster size, and i would show that here too if i didn't find it so ridiculously horrifying haha (in retrospect i probably should have had someone else do my makeup for prom -____-)

but ANYWAY, here it is: almond biscotti that i brushed with chocolate and mini blackberry ganache tartlets. sooooo good :p
gettin' nice & golden in the oven. before i put chocolate on it my brother said he thought it was garlic bread -__- i GUESS i could understand that assumption just based on the pictures, but did it SMELL like garlic? huh?!
after i brushed them with chocolate :)
i guess it's berry season? i went to HMart this weekend to buy some bulgogi for my mom (which is RIDONKULOUSLY good btw) and guess what? 6 oz packages of blackberries there were 2 for $1!!! my first thought when i saw this was "WTF? WWHAT IIS THIS?!!!" mainly because Fresh & Easy was selling the same amount for $4, which at the time, i thought was a good deal. WTF kind of shieet are you trying to pull, Fresh & Easy?! also, raspberries! how i long for you so! HMart was selling 12 oz for $1.79!! Stater Bros. sells the same amount for $8!! so since i obviously stumbled upon a treasure chest of some sort, i grabbed as much as i could get, and now my refrigerator is chock-full of berries. "but what are you going to do with said berries, elaine?" WELL, i plan on making something delicious. that's what.

as for school, right now i'm kinda crawling along finals week. i had a 3 hour period between my classes today so i could study for my Anthro final, but i just COULDN'T do it. i really tried. basically i opened up my Nonverbal Behavior book and immediately fell asleep. i tried this twice, and fell asleep twice. it's boring; go figure. this morning i took my menu planning final (which i only somewhat regret not really studying for haha) and i have my Baking 2 final tomorrow, which i don't really need to study too much for since it's open note/open book; i figure since i did pretty well on the previous tests and quizzes that it shouldn't be too bad this time since i have the notes right in front of me.

finals always seems to come along when i feel totally drained and sooo so so much over it, whatever "it" is. i've noticed that every semester is pretty much like that. so i'll study at the beginning and throughout the semester, but once it's coming to an end i pretty much just lose interest. sighh. maybe someday i'll find a lecture class that can keep me attentive throughout the entire semester. but until then, i probably won't ever do anything more than cram sessions for finals :p

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

honey panna cotta with mixed berry coulis and a note on mother's day

for those of you who don't know, mother's day is the busiest day of the year in the restaurant industry. yep, even busier than valentine's day! and in an attempt to avoid all the crowds and long waiting periods just for a table at a restaurant, i wanted to cook a nice breakfast for my mom instead. this has been a long-running tradition for a few years now, although it's somewhat of a feat when my mom sets her alarm to 5:30 every morning :/ these are the challenges i encounter in life!

anyway, to make the breakfast a little more memorable (no Denny's specials here!), i wanted to end the meal with something light in texture with a good balance of sweetness, creaminess, and tartness. so, for dessert i decided to make a honey panna cotta topped with a blackberry and strawberry coulis. sooo good :p

i went to Goodwill and browsed around for some cute little glasses to show off the layers of the dessert, and i found these stemless red wine glasses and little dessert glasses for $1 each. pretty good bargain for something i intend to use for future food presentations :)

panna cotta is Italian for "cooked cream." the texture is like a custard, except i think most of the recipes don't use eggs. the honey definitely gave it such a good flavor. it kind of makes me sad to look at these pictures because i wish i had one right now...
all eight of them, looking super glossy and sexy ;) i garnished each one with a strawberry quarter, a couple of blackberries, and a mint leaf from the plant we have growing in the backyard.
and here's the rest of the breakfast table scape i prepared: scrambled eggs with cheese, peppers, and scallions, salsa, cubed watermelon and strawberries (which i originally planned to turn into a nice slushie, but after cutting it i realized it had a LOT of seeds in it -___-), and carnitas i made myself. the carnitas were BOMB. and they weren't that difficult to make, either! i pretty much just put everything in the slow cooker the night before, and the next morning when i woke up i could smell it, and it was awesome. we also had some corn tortillas to make tacos with. aimee was supposed to make maseca pancakes, but she didn't wake up early enough, and she just tends to be grumpy in the morning when you tell her to do stuff :/

after going to church, the fambam and i went over to my cousin's house because they had a little lunch/dinner shindig going on (for which i made potato salad and my sis made rice crispy treats) and we pretty much spent the rest of the afternoon into nighttime over there. i spent some of that time in awe of my cousin's garden in their backyard, and also got to watch their rabbit just sit there and do nothing particularly cute... my rabbit can beat up that rabbit, good! >:D

speaking of gardens, mine is a work in progress! since we can't technically plant anything in the ground, i'm planning on having a small raised garden bed, and i already bought some plants from my school's horticulture sale last week (woot for $1 plants!). so far i have a cherry tomato plant, heirloom tomato plant, a strawberry plant, thyme, basil, parsley, sage, and mint. hopefully they'll all still be alive once the actual garden is built!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

rose milk tea ice cream and moving woes

so, if you haven't heard yet, moving kinda sucks. but you know what doesn't suck? ice cream :p

there's this cafe along colima called La Kaffa, and one time (years ago) i went there and had their rose milk tea, which was (of course) bombtastic. since then, i've been trying to find other ways to incorporate that rose flavour, but haven't really come up with anything blog-worthy until now.

i present to you: rose milk tea ice cream, a concoction that i actually came up with myself! (tee hee!) i'm kind of excited because this has been the only actual noteworthy and successful dessert for which i came up with my own recipe.

mmmm. this stuff was pretty good, especially if you are into floral-y flavours. if you look close enough, you can see a few black flecks from the tea leaves that didn't get strained out.
as garnish i added a meringue cookie that i made from the leftover egg whites (as if it needed more sugar) and a dried rosebud just so it looks a little prettier (total non-functioning garnish, i know. whatevs! don't tell me how to live my life!)
the entire freezing process took WAAAY longer than i thought it would, as i don't have an ice cream machine, and right in the middle of freezing it, my refrigerator decides to poop out :/ so, instead of this being a one day process, it ends up being a 2.5 day process. but whatever. the outcome was worth the wait! :)
it was super rich and creamy, and the rose flavour was just the right strength, although it could have used more tea leaves in it. ohhh wells. another good thing: my family actually liked it! yay! usually when i come up with things that are out of the norm, they don't really warm up to it, but this time they did, which was pretty awesome. plus, i'm totally psyched that i actually made ice cream at all, as i've always been discouraged from trying it before because i didn't have an ice cream maker.

as for moving, (big sighh) i kind of didn't want to make an entry about it at all because this whole process has been one big disappointment after another, but i guess i have to update you guys about it somehow. we basically got a downgrade. the house is almost the same size as the last one, but it's like everything is slightly smaller than in our old house. plus, even though the ONE thing that i was looking forward to was getting my own room, my parents said i can't have one. sighhhhhh. this was also after a couple days of me arguing and complaining to them about it. they also said i could have a garden in the back, which now, apparently, i can't. lamesauce. the backyard is super small anyway. and to top it all off, i timed myself driving to school on friday, and the extra distance from here to school added TWENTY MINUTES to my commute. and that was on a friday, when there is typically less traffic than the rest of the week. -____-

okay, well, i really don't even want to think about it right now. let's just think about something pleasant. like ice cream :p