Saturday, May 1, 2010

rose milk tea ice cream and moving woes

so, if you haven't heard yet, moving kinda sucks. but you know what doesn't suck? ice cream :p

there's this cafe along colima called La Kaffa, and one time (years ago) i went there and had their rose milk tea, which was (of course) bombtastic. since then, i've been trying to find other ways to incorporate that rose flavour, but haven't really come up with anything blog-worthy until now.

i present to you: rose milk tea ice cream, a concoction that i actually came up with myself! (tee hee!) i'm kind of excited because this has been the only actual noteworthy and successful dessert for which i came up with my own recipe.

mmmm. this stuff was pretty good, especially if you are into floral-y flavours. if you look close enough, you can see a few black flecks from the tea leaves that didn't get strained out.
as garnish i added a meringue cookie that i made from the leftover egg whites (as if it needed more sugar) and a dried rosebud just so it looks a little prettier (total non-functioning garnish, i know. whatevs! don't tell me how to live my life!)
the entire freezing process took WAAAY longer than i thought it would, as i don't have an ice cream machine, and right in the middle of freezing it, my refrigerator decides to poop out :/ so, instead of this being a one day process, it ends up being a 2.5 day process. but whatever. the outcome was worth the wait! :)
it was super rich and creamy, and the rose flavour was just the right strength, although it could have used more tea leaves in it. ohhh wells. another good thing: my family actually liked it! yay! usually when i come up with things that are out of the norm, they don't really warm up to it, but this time they did, which was pretty awesome. plus, i'm totally psyched that i actually made ice cream at all, as i've always been discouraged from trying it before because i didn't have an ice cream maker.

as for moving, (big sighh) i kind of didn't want to make an entry about it at all because this whole process has been one big disappointment after another, but i guess i have to update you guys about it somehow. we basically got a downgrade. the house is almost the same size as the last one, but it's like everything is slightly smaller than in our old house. plus, even though the ONE thing that i was looking forward to was getting my own room, my parents said i can't have one. sighhhhhh. this was also after a couple days of me arguing and complaining to them about it. they also said i could have a garden in the back, which now, apparently, i can't. lamesauce. the backyard is super small anyway. and to top it all off, i timed myself driving to school on friday, and the extra distance from here to school added TWENTY MINUTES to my commute. and that was on a friday, when there is typically less traffic than the rest of the week. -____-

okay, well, i really don't even want to think about it right now. let's just think about something pleasant. like ice cream :p


  1. high five on the ice cream.

  2. hahaha i had to include SOMETHING to make everything seem a little more pleasant :)
