Sunday, May 30, 2010

chocolate chunk blackberry sour cream ice cream: flop of the week

it seemed like a good idea when i saw it! i saw a recipe for blackberry sour cream ice cream, and seeing as how i had blackberries AND sour cream i thought "what the hell, why not." probably bad judgment on my part because

a. blackberries are sour
b. sour cream is SOUR

PROBABLY should have opted for the custard with eggs in the recipe, but at the moment we didn't have any eggs in the fridge (but just as fate would have it, yesterday my mom bought 5 DOZEN eggs, LORD KNOWS WHY, and now i have no idea what to do with them -___-)

at least it looks good right? the color looks really good too. i garnished it with some fresh blackberries and mint leaves, and also one of the tuile cookies we made in class on ice cream day. it tastes like a waffle cone! :D

blackberries simmering away... one thing i should have done after blending all this stuff is strain it, but alas, our fine mesh strainer is about the size of my fist (probably meant for tea leaves) and also i was feeling lazy that night.

the mixture before i put it in the freezer...

a close-up of it all. since it was so sour, i served it after the BBQ today and pitched it as "blackberry frozen yogurt" since it tasted more like yogurt than ice cream :/ one thing i DID like was deciding to put chocolate chunks in it, even though some of the chunks were honkin' HUGE and some were really small. but still good! chocolate never seems to fail me :)

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