Saturday, May 29, 2010

raspberry and almond clafoutis and memorial day weekend

3 day weekend! not that it really matters to me at this point because spring semester is finally over! weee! i'm finally getting around to using all those berries in my fridge, so expect more posts to come soon :)

this morning i made a raspberry and almond clafoutis, which was awesomely eggy and custard-like. i know typically clafoutis uses cherries, but seeing as how i had a ton of raspberries lying around and i'm MUCH too lazy to go out and buy a bunch of fresh cherries and pit them MYSELF, well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! plus, raspberries and almonds are a classic flavor combination, and i just happened to have the right amount of almond flour left over.

i tried sifting a little powdered sugar over the top but it kinda just melted into the custard center. also, i took the finished pictures after they cooled down and the middle sunk a little. still good, though! :D

right after i put them in the oven

nice and bubbly right after i took them out of the oven :p

the one thing i regret is waiting for them to cool down... they probably would have tasted bomb right out of the oven, but i had things to attend to today, and places to go!

today my cousin, my sister, and i all went to the Shoppes at Chino Hills, which is a pretty cool outdoor mall-- it has a bunch of stores from an organic produce store (with a bunch of free samples!) to an H&M. also, New York & Company was having a sale and i bought my first dress of the summer! yayy :D

as for the rest of this Memorial Day weekend, tomorrow the family is going to have a little bbq, and monday i'm planning on going hiking with my cousin. also, since this weekend is supposed to be super hott, my goal this weekend (and the rest of the summer) is to try and tan my pasty white legs -___- i already started today by wearing a skirt while shopping outdoors, and mostly they just turned red but it's getting there! hopefully by the end of this summer they'll be nice and golden brown :)

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