Saturday, March 14, 2009

the deal

so here's a little update on my cellphone, because until today i was totally confused, and i'm sure you guys were too!!

i can keep my phone, but calls are for emergencies only... which, unfortunately means no hour-long phone calls. but! i do still have unlimited texts! so yeah! basically instead of just eliminating my cellphone privileges all together, we're sharing a family plan with my aunt, so we're paying less...? i'm not entirely sure how all of this works out, but at least i still have my phone, which i am entirely grateful for :D


  1. omgooosssshh. so lemme get this straight. you can't call but you can text unlimitedly?

    then text it is. :)

  2. haha i guess so... i mean, i can call, but my parents really dont want me to unless it's like a 1 minute phone call... i'm just glad i have a phone!! :D

  3. hahahaha. i have the opposite problem. if only i could text...
