Monday, March 30, 2009

rockin' the seam ripper

today is the first day of spring break, and i'd have to say it was pretty productive :)i got a little cleaning done and i almost finished making two things: a mini purse and a totally HAWTSOME scarf, both of which i am dying to wear outside of the house. i just need to make a few more adjustments and once i'm done with that it'll be totally bitchin'. i'm also planning on making another purse over the break, but this one'll be a lot bigger. perhaps i shall post pics later ;)

once again, sewing proves to be totally theraputic.

other plans for spring break include visiting lauuuura with reinalyn on thursday and going to litto tokyo on friday with the cousins. i also need to find some way to hang out with elaine some time this week because i haven't seen her in FOREVER and she can't go out on thursday :( my aunt asked me if i wanted to work for her for a day doing a clerical job at her office, which i'm a little hesitant about but i neeedd moneyy... at least i won't be picking up doggie doo, right? anywho i'm not even sure that whole "work" thing is gonna happen. we'll see.

now i'm off to listen to little children scream and to eat dinner. sigh.


  1. aww at least you've got a job offer.

    yay spring break!


  3. actually i didn't knit them this time, i just sewed them hahahaa i'm getting lazier :)
