Monday, March 23, 2009

spring, spring!

i need to start knitting again! the sweater i was trying to knit over the summer is still sitting on my desk, half-way done. this is yet another example of my poor procrastination kicking in. i also need to start sewing again. the half-way done purse i was sewing is also sitting on my desk... i need to start finding time to do all this stuff. luckily, spring break is coming up soon (next week! woot!) so hopefully i'll get a lot of shit done that week. i've been browsing the internet a lot to try and find some inspiration for things to sew or make, and now at least i can find some uses for some of the fabric i bought at LA fashion district. new ideas are a-poppin' and i can't go a-stoppin'!

the lavender bush and strawberry plant in my horticulture garden are blooming, and i can't help but be reminded of spring. fresh culinary ideas are coming to mind as well, mainly because i need to figure out what to do with all the produce from our garden once harvesting day comes around. it's so nice to drive to school nowadays because i can finally drive by the fresh, green hills, some with little hints of flowers, rather than having to drive by the winded, weathered-down, and burnt hills that come around during late summer and fall. i guess that's what they mean by spring renewal. with so much negativity clogging our atmosphere, it's no wonder something as simple as a blooming flower can be a symbol for hope.

in other news, ronald (my cousin) is officially moving out of our house. i actually haven't seen him for the past few weeks, but he still leaves his luggage and stuff here, and yesterday he finally came to pick them all up. my grandma is going to be staying here for a few weeks before she goes to norcal to stay with my aunt, which is pretty cool, as long as she doesn't bring my other aunt's dogs here. i just hope i don't gain any weight while my grandma stays over... home-cooked food is always daunting...

my grandma suggested that i stay over at one of my aunt's house over spring break to watch the dogs so i can get some money. ummm.... i NEED money, but i don't know if i'm willing to risk my break for it. after weeks and weeks of coming home from school dead-tired, i think i deserve at least one weeks' break. plus, a week with my aunt?! and her boyfriend?!! at HIS house?!!! let the awkwardness ensue...

today i took my first midterm of the semester. none of my other classes have midterms until after the break, but i'm totally glad i got it over with today. it means one less test, and it also means i don't have to come in wednesday morning, meaning more sleep!! yay!!! more sleep=happy elaine :)

i just noticed that the paragraphs in this entry are getting progressively smaller... random haha

have a nice day! :D


  1. wow, you just had a midterm? I'm already on my second round of tests.

    There are flowers on those hills? I didn't notice...
    I guess I'm just too negative of a person...

  2. hahah yeah... heavy traffic flow means i have enough time to actually look around and see stuff while i'm "driving" :)

  3. oh man, seriously, i think i've moved from winter to spring as my favorite season. spring is just so...refreshing and relaxing. new things bloom. i love it

    and thanks for thinking about getting back into knitting my sweater <3 lmao
