Tuesday, January 19, 2010

done and done!

so i did it. i told my parents and my sister about james, and they seem pretty accepting of it, which is all i could ever ask for. it's pretty awesome actually, to get all of this off of my chest. they actually didn't make as big a deal of it as i thought they would (no one even asked me what his name was except for my mom haha).

i've been contemplating redecorating my side of the room (or the wall at least). right now it's mostly covered in stuff from high school and some drawings of the stuff i've made, and i'm planning on taking a lot of that stuff down and just making a couple of large paintings and putting those up instead. also, i finally get to put up that kick-ass drawing that james gave me for christmas (i've had it stashed away for a while now because he signed his name at the bottom and i was just scared of getting caught!). but now i have nothing to worry about!

there's only 2 weeks of winter break left but it's finally starting to get better and better. awesome. :)


  1. congratulations! i just hope that you dont take ALL of your hs pics off of your wall...

  2. don't worry haha. i've resolved to leave up all the nice framed ones and just take down the little drawings and prom pictures.

    now all i have to do is figure out what the hell i'm gonna paint :D

  3. my face better be up there! ...with its own frame. HAHA JK!

  4. actually, my plan was to just print a really large poster of your face and put it up on the wall with a heart next to it hahaha
