Thursday, January 14, 2010

should i...?

i've been wondering lately if i should tell my parents about my boyfriend. i'm certain what we have is a serious relationship, and to be honest, things would be a lot easier on me (if they ALLOW me to be with him, that is). for instance, i always have to lie and tell my parents that i'm going out with my friends when in reality, i'm just going to church with him. so on a day when i'd go to church with him and come home late (it's usually 7:30-10), what my parents are probably thinking is that i'm out "gallavanting" with my friends late at night (as my mom would say).

honestly, i'm kinda getting tired of always having to come up with lame excuses and made-up plans when really, i'm not doing anything too crazy.

i've been trying to think of the pros and cons of this plan, but i'm still not entirely sure what the correct decision would be. any suggestions/comments???


  1. ummmm i dont have a specific answer for this...
    it's hard to decide. knowing filipino parents, they could be pretty condescending and would likely not approve of this relationship of yours. Im sure they will ask his background and whatever he says, they would cherry pick the bad things and just throw it in your face. However, on the other side, they might just let you knowing that you're pretty responsible and you're an adult therefore you know what you're doing.

    & it's your first boyfriend. they might be lenient.

    That's my two cents. It's not very helpful but I hope it helped?

  2. oh and im not sure if you're the kind of child who would defy her parents if they said no...

    If they say no, I'm not sure how far you'd take that.

    That's all.

  3. i think the reason i'm so worried about it is because i have absolutely no idea what their reaction would be, cuz honestly i can imagine it going either way.

    but if they DON'T allow it, i probably would still do it hahhaa. in reality, i would never stop being with my bf just because my parents say no. there's a lot of things i do without then knowing anyway.

    but yeah. thanks for the feedback :]
