Thursday, April 30, 2009


totally random entry, but today when i was walking around campus i saw a duck with a bunch of little baby ducklings following it around!!! SOOO CUUUUTEEE!!! hahhaa i tried taking a picture of it with my cellphone but it came out kinda bad cuz they were in the shadow... ohh wells :]

Monday, April 27, 2009


i can't even remember the last time i got a haircut. safe to say, today i got my first haircut in over a year, and it definitely was one of my more memorable experiences in a salon. let me just elaborate on this:

i sit down in the chair and take down my hair, and the asian woman looks at me, hands me an afro pick, and in a thick accent says to me, "help me comb it." umm... "it?!" i know, i have a lot of hair, and it doesn't help that it's exuberantly long and curly, but my feelings are at stake here!! i agree to help, just because i want to get this over with. the woman tells me i should go to a korean place to get my hair straightened: "i don know what dey do but dey good!!" (haha sorry for sounding racist there...) throughout my stay there, the woman calls me "ate," and i'm guessing she's had a lot of filipino women as customers.

when the combing and detangling is finished, she asks me to stand from the chair. at this point i'm a little confused, but decide to go with it. it turns out that since my hair is so long, it's easier for her to cut off the six inches while i'm standing. for about 15 minutes i'm just standing there as she trims the longest parts of my hair (goodbye, split ends!!).

when i sit back down, she begins to layer the rest of my hair, and at some point i look like cousin itt from The Addams Family, but with curly hair:

yeahhhhh... anyway, as i'm sitting there, all i can think is "i'm definitely blogging about this later." while she's thinning out my hair, i stare blankly at the tufts of dry frizzy hair falling onto the ground, like if an airplane were dropping batches of airy cotton candy from the sky (if that EVER happened, i would SO be outside catching it haha).

when it's all over, i look at myself in the mirror, and kind of miss my old, long, hippie-ish hair. but then i look at the ground, and see that it's all there, just waiting to be swept up. ohh well. haircut= no split ends= nice, fresh start :)

Monday, April 20, 2009


when i was driving home from school today, the temperature on my car said it was 103 degrees. 'nuff said.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


ohh man. i just checked my grades on blackboard. i got a 58/100 on my written baking midterm. i knew all the good grades i've been getting would have to end somewhere...

i need to remind myself that THIS (baking) is what i'm planning on doing with my future. *SLAP*

Sunday, April 12, 2009


this past week went by pretty quickly, and i was really surprised because i had two midterms. good news: only one midterm left! yay!! not-so-good news: one essay and one project due this week, both of which i haven't really started...

today is easter sunday, and it's still pretty hard for me to believe that it's already april. only a few more weeks and school will be over!!! (this is me trying to be optimistic haha). even though i've been complaining about how shitty some things have been this past semester, i guess i'm just glad that it's going by somewhat quickly, and guess what else, i'm not doing too bad with my grades either, which is always a plus.

this weekend was pretty chill. saturday i went to fashion district with my sis and my cousin so i could buy some cheap-o fabric from Michael Levine Loft, my new fave place for fabric :D, and to get some awesome blossom extra awesome tacos from Grand Central Market, my fave place for super fatty authentic mexican tacos :9, which always seems to be our routine when we go to LA. after that we went home and i taught (kinda) my cousin how to sew a simple skirt, which turned out pretty nice, despite a few odd stitches here and there. later in the night we went to the easter vigil at church, and i had no idea that it was 3 HOURS LONG. good lord. i thought it would just be a regular mass :/

today we had a LOT of food for our little easter brunch, and my bro and his gf and my uncle and later my cousin joined us. i tried to fry little doughnuts to add to the feast, but for some reason after they were cooked some of them turned out to be hollow...? the science of it all mystifies me... they were still good though, and they were all gone before the end of the day :)

i'm hoping the following weeks will be just as breezy as this past one was. is it really too much to ask for?

Monday, April 6, 2009


today i finally went back to school, which wasn't too bad. i only had one class, and it was pretty chill. even though i was incredibly tired today (i had 20 minutes before class so i basically knocked out in my car in the parking lot), i suppose it could've been worse. also, my legs are WAY more sore than they were yesterday because of the hiking. walking across campus to get to the horticulture gardens was quite painful :/

after school i went to the dentist for a checkup, but i went to a different dentist than i usually do. one question: are dentists allowed to have acrylic nails?! i mean, i know they wear latex gloves, but i swear, i could feel her nails clawing at my gums :( my teeth feel weirdd...

yesterday my grandma moved out and is moving in with my aunt and cousin in norcal for six months, which i'm pretty sad about because now i don't have anyone to cook for me at home besides my mom, but she's always busy...

i think i'm gonna end this entry here because they're showing Chicago on amc right now and i'm too distracted hahah. so much for studying for midterms :D

Saturday, April 4, 2009

today and yesterday

quickie update on what happened today and yesterday (friday and saturday):

yesterday elaine called me and woke me up around 11 (haha) to ask me if i wanted to go out with her, ezra, patrick, and dixon. i rushed outta bed and outta the house eventually when they picked me up and we went to puente hills mall but that was pretty quick. after that we were driving around the parking lot to find jonathan's (i think that's his name?) car, and that took a while haha. then we drove to el monte to pick up dixie's car, ezra left, then dixon took me and elaine to my home. he got a dvd player installed in his car, so on the way home we watched Superbad :)

once we got to my home i took elaine to the village where we met up with jackie and sarah. jackie left after 15 mins cuz she had a date (HAAAYYY). actually, she didn't call it a date, but it was her and a guy together and she said he was gonna teach her how to play pool and they were gonna eat dinner after. sounds like a date to me :)

ezra came over and he took elaine home. the rest of the day i hung out with sarah, i got some food at rubio's and we went around tjmaxx, where i found escada lotion for $8!!! EEEKK!! super happy about that! anyway, tangent! we had a lot of fun going around and criticizing the clothes we saw and playing around with the toys, and i totally didn't care if anyone saw us acting stupid, as usual :)

that was pretty much alla friday.

as for today, i went out with the cousins to crystal cove in irvine where we went hiking! IM TIRED! YAY! we hiked for like 2.5 hours up and down crazy hills. i was gasping for air and sneezing and shit cuz nature makes me sneezy. i'm fairly certain i have a bad tan now. my cousin took off her glasses and she had this MAD glasses tan. i was totally scared for my face so i took off my glasses for the rest of the hike. i didn't notice anything yet, but hopefully there's nothing. after we hiked we had a victory picnic, which was awesome cuz i felt all accomplished. and sore! yay! after that whole ordeal we went to my house and pigged out on pizza, watched nacho libre, and basically lounged around.

tomorrow it is off to the cousin's party to pig out some more! :)

sigh. i wish spring break wasn't over :(