Monday, April 6, 2009


today i finally went back to school, which wasn't too bad. i only had one class, and it was pretty chill. even though i was incredibly tired today (i had 20 minutes before class so i basically knocked out in my car in the parking lot), i suppose it could've been worse. also, my legs are WAY more sore than they were yesterday because of the hiking. walking across campus to get to the horticulture gardens was quite painful :/

after school i went to the dentist for a checkup, but i went to a different dentist than i usually do. one question: are dentists allowed to have acrylic nails?! i mean, i know they wear latex gloves, but i swear, i could feel her nails clawing at my gums :( my teeth feel weirdd...

yesterday my grandma moved out and is moving in with my aunt and cousin in norcal for six months, which i'm pretty sad about because now i don't have anyone to cook for me at home besides my mom, but she's always busy...

i think i'm gonna end this entry here because they're showing Chicago on amc right now and i'm too distracted hahah. so much for studying for midterms :D

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