Thursday, April 30, 2009


totally random entry, but today when i was walking around campus i saw a duck with a bunch of little baby ducklings following it around!!! SOOO CUUUUTEEE!!! hahhaa i tried taking a picture of it with my cellphone but it came out kinda bad cuz they were in the shadow... ohh wells :]


  1. i've had ducks stare at me on campus. and waddle to a pool in front of me. hahah. never seen any ducklings though.

  2. you guys have ducks, i have squirrels. speaking of which, i saw one today tooo hahaha

    whats up with these animals walking around they own the place? HAHHA

  3. hahah i have no idea... i saw three ducks todayyy!!! hahah there are some random squirrels around here too :]

  4. you guys are lucky.
    i see a few squirrels now and then at riverside but for the most part...

    i see raccoons & skunks. :(
