Sunday, April 12, 2009


this past week went by pretty quickly, and i was really surprised because i had two midterms. good news: only one midterm left! yay!! not-so-good news: one essay and one project due this week, both of which i haven't really started...

today is easter sunday, and it's still pretty hard for me to believe that it's already april. only a few more weeks and school will be over!!! (this is me trying to be optimistic haha). even though i've been complaining about how shitty some things have been this past semester, i guess i'm just glad that it's going by somewhat quickly, and guess what else, i'm not doing too bad with my grades either, which is always a plus.

this weekend was pretty chill. saturday i went to fashion district with my sis and my cousin so i could buy some cheap-o fabric from Michael Levine Loft, my new fave place for fabric :D, and to get some awesome blossom extra awesome tacos from Grand Central Market, my fave place for super fatty authentic mexican tacos :9, which always seems to be our routine when we go to LA. after that we went home and i taught (kinda) my cousin how to sew a simple skirt, which turned out pretty nice, despite a few odd stitches here and there. later in the night we went to the easter vigil at church, and i had no idea that it was 3 HOURS LONG. good lord. i thought it would just be a regular mass :/

today we had a LOT of food for our little easter brunch, and my bro and his gf and my uncle and later my cousin joined us. i tried to fry little doughnuts to add to the feast, but for some reason after they were cooked some of them turned out to be hollow...? the science of it all mystifies me... they were still good though, and they were all gone before the end of the day :)

i'm hoping the following weeks will be just as breezy as this past one was. is it really too much to ask for?

1 comment:

  1. yes. it is too much to ask for. haha. just kidding. it's just the stress talking. i haven't really been keeping up with school work lately.
