Monday, April 27, 2009


i can't even remember the last time i got a haircut. safe to say, today i got my first haircut in over a year, and it definitely was one of my more memorable experiences in a salon. let me just elaborate on this:

i sit down in the chair and take down my hair, and the asian woman looks at me, hands me an afro pick, and in a thick accent says to me, "help me comb it." umm... "it?!" i know, i have a lot of hair, and it doesn't help that it's exuberantly long and curly, but my feelings are at stake here!! i agree to help, just because i want to get this over with. the woman tells me i should go to a korean place to get my hair straightened: "i don know what dey do but dey good!!" (haha sorry for sounding racist there...) throughout my stay there, the woman calls me "ate," and i'm guessing she's had a lot of filipino women as customers.

when the combing and detangling is finished, she asks me to stand from the chair. at this point i'm a little confused, but decide to go with it. it turns out that since my hair is so long, it's easier for her to cut off the six inches while i'm standing. for about 15 minutes i'm just standing there as she trims the longest parts of my hair (goodbye, split ends!!).

when i sit back down, she begins to layer the rest of my hair, and at some point i look like cousin itt from The Addams Family, but with curly hair:

yeahhhhh... anyway, as i'm sitting there, all i can think is "i'm definitely blogging about this later." while she's thinning out my hair, i stare blankly at the tufts of dry frizzy hair falling onto the ground, like if an airplane were dropping batches of airy cotton candy from the sky (if that EVER happened, i would SO be outside catching it haha).

when it's all over, i look at myself in the mirror, and kind of miss my old, long, hippie-ish hair. but then i look at the ground, and see that it's all there, just waiting to be swept up. ohh well. haircut= no split ends= nice, fresh start :)


  1. i would like to see this haircut of yours. and i got to tell you, seeing that picture of cousing it just made my day because i love the addams family - hilarious.

  2. hahhaa it's not too different from before... it just looks less dead haha :)

  3. i want to see you with a straight hair..i dont think ive seen you in that hair style before so go go go! and as for me, i go curly now. it's because its so damn windy and staticky (sp?) that it's better to actually have it curled :)

  4. ps. not curly as in like all over. just the bottom part. i know you know what i mean ;)

  5. haha i know what you mean, grace. as for me straightening mah hair, i'm just too lazy haha. i tried doing it myself a few times before but it takes too longg!!

  6. yeah, i know it takes me forever to straighten my hair. and i keep burning my fingers.
